Sunday, May 28, 2006

Golf Ball - The "New" River Trash

We did a float today along a fairly isolated section of the South Anna with merges with the North Anna and forms the Pamunkey River. You can't see any houses from this section its a pretty quiet float.

But today I notice a new river trash, something I have never seen before on this river or any other...GOLF BALLS...yes we found four golf balls on the bottom of the river in the sand and I have floated this section a number of times and fished a bunch of Virginia's rivers and picked up quite a bit of trash but never a golf ball in the river...

The balls were all different makes/models and were found in both the South Anna and the Pamunkey...There are a couple (several) golf courses that now border the river...Is this a sign of the times...if it is...its a sad one

And just as strange when I picked up an old beer bottom I noticed a dead minnow inside the bottle as I was dumping the water out....


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